How Is Binocular Vision Dysfunction Diagnosed?

Binocular vision dysfunction, also known as BVD, is a common visual condition. It occurs when an individual’s eyes are unable to coordinate properly. Consequently, one eye’s line of sight is not properly aligned with the other eye which puts stress on the eye muscles when trying to achieve a single-focus vision.



The process of diagnosing BVD is not complicated if the patient sees a Developmental Optometrist for a vision evaluation. However, many people live with this condition for years before getting a proper diagnosis. Binocular vision dysfunction can cause a variety of symptoms which include light sensitivity, dizziness, headaches, and motion sickness.



Signs and Symptoms of BVD



Binocular vision dysfunction is the inability of both eyes to remain focused on an object so that you see one image. If you have this condition, your eyes will convey two separate images to your brain. Some signs and symptoms can indicate that you need to schedule an eye exam with a Developmental Optometrist. These include:



  • Dizziness

  • Double vision

  • Shadowed or blurry vision

  • Frequent headaches

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Being clumsy, uncoordinated, and having balance problems

  • Poor depth perception

  • Difficulty doing tasks that require near vision

  • Nausea

  • Having to close one eye while viewing objects up close

  • The need to use your finger to guide you while reading

  • Motion sickness

  • Eyestrain or fatigue

  • Having to read the text over and over to understand it



Binocular Vision Dysfunction Test


The BVD test aims to reveal any of the symptoms listed above. This test takes a few minutes, is non-invasive, and is quite comfortable. You can even take the test during your lunch hour before resuming your normal activities. 



Assessing BVD



Eye doctors use regular eye exams to diagnose and determine treatment for conditions such as ocular disease, presbyopia, astigmatism, farsightedness, and myopia. The process of assessing binocular vision dysfunction is different from that involved in a standard comprehensive eye exam. A thorough functional exam is completed which assesses how the eyes coordinate with one another.



Diagnosing Binocular Vision Dysfunction



BVD symptoms can significantly impact a person’s life. They can interfere with your ability to perform basic daily activities like driving or reading. Unfortunately, it is easy to misdiagnose BVD as either ADD/ADHD or dyslexia. A diagnostic evaluation of BVD assesses various visual skills that eye doctors may not check during a regular eye exam. Some of these include:



  • Eye-tracking

  • Eye accommodation

  • Spatial awareness

  • Stereopsis

  • Depth perception

  • Ocular motility

  • Fusion

  • Eye teaming

  • Visual perception

  • Visual processing

  • Visual-motor integration



In comparison, a standard eye exam typically checks for eye health and visual acuity. 







While it is possible to misdiagnose this condition, treatment options are available once you get the correct diagnosis. Some of these include vision therapy and prism lenses. A customized program of vision therapy can help treat binocular vision dysfunction and aims to improve communication between the eyes and the brain. This alleviates the symptoms of BVD, in addition to supporting the visual system.



Prism lenses, on the other hand, work to correct eye misalignment by manipulating incoming light before it reaches your eyes. So, when the images from your eyes reach your brain, your brain will fuse them into a single image. Essentially, these customized lenses trick your brain into thinking your eyes are aligned. 



For more on binocular vision dysfunction, call Clarendon Vision Development Center in Westmont, Illinois at (630) 323-7300 to book an appointment or discuss any questions. You can also book your appointment online at

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