Generally, dizziness is not a problem to ignore. It is a symptom that can stem from many different health conditions, ranging from a cardiac or neurological issue to a vision or inner ear disorder. Depending on the root of the problem, people do not experience dizziness the same way.
Usually, dizziness resulting from binocular vision dysfunction does not cause the feeling that the room is spinning. Instead, you may feel unbalanced, and a headache may accompany your dizziness. A comprehensive functional eye exam is necessary to determine whether you have BVD.
This condition stems from the eyes. People with visual vertigo often experience issues related to optic flow, visual motion, photosensitivity, and computer screens. Visual vertigo is a motion or swaying sensation resulting from instability in the eyes.
Binocular vision allows you to see one image though you are using two eyes. Essentially, healthy eyes work together in perfect synchronization to transmit one focused and clear image to the brain. Binocular vision dysfunction occurs when the eyes do not team up smoothly which leads to constant dizziness and other symptoms.
This condition can negatively impact your quality of life. The list of symptoms you may experience can feel endless. Many eye doctors categorize the symptoms to understand the patient’s condition easier. Most people with BVD experience physical, visual, and anxiety symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms include the following:
Constant dizziness.
Double vision.
Blurred vision.
Light sensitivity.
Difficulty with hand-body-eye coordination.
Difficulty judging distances.
Having to squint, close one eye, or tilt the head to see clearly.
Driving problems.
Heightened anxiety.
Reading difficulties.
Seeing glare or halos at night.
Frequent headaches or migraines.
Pain with eye movement.
Frequent falls.
Back, shoulder, and neck pain.
Frequently knocking things over.
Moving to one side when walking.
Motion sickness.
Eye doctors recommend visiting an emergency room if you experience dizziness accompanied by pain, double vision, shortness of breath, headache, tingling or numbness in the arm, and slurred speech.
While it is possible to misdiagnose this condition, several treatment options can alleviate your symptoms once you have the correct diagnosis. Prism lenses work to correct eye misalignment by manipulating incoming light rays before they enter your eyes. When the images from your two eyes reach your brain, it can fuse them into one image. Essentially, these lenses trick the brain into thinking you have correctly aligned eyes.
Doctors also use vision therapy to treat patients with BVD, especially if they are experiencing dizziness. Vision therapy improves communication between the eyes and the brain which alleviates BVD symptoms and supports the visual system.
If you constantly feel dizzy, visit your eye doctor immediately. A comprehensive functional eye exam will determine whether you have binocular vision dysfunction. Your doctor will recommend the appropriate treatment to help correct your problem and improve your quality of life.
For more on binocular vision dysfunction, visit Clarendon Vision Advanced EyeCare at our Westmont, Illinois office. Call (630) 323-7300 to schedule an appointment today. You can also schedule an appointment online at