Myopia Management

You no longer need to be concerned about your child’s eyes getting worse. Our doctors can help.

Early myopia intervention can help your child by reducing their eye health risks. We offer non-invasive, non-surgical treatments proven to manage and control myopia.

Researchers believe that the environment kids grow up in today is contributing to the rapid increase in childhood myopia. Contributing factors include too many close distance activities (like reading or device use) and lack of outdoor play. While glasses and contact lenses compensate for a child’s blurry distance vision, they don’t stop your child’s vision from continuing to deteriorate. As children grow, myopia often develops as they reach school age and, untreated, progresses into the late teens.

The Danger Of Myopia

Studies now show there is more to worry about with myopic eyes than the inconvenience of ever-thickening lenses. Scientific evidence has proven that myopic patients are more vulnerable to a range of sight-threatening diseases and complications.

Patients with even a mild degree of myopia have a four-fold increase in the risk of retinal detachment. For those with moderate to severe myopia (more than 5 diopters), the risk increases ten plus times. One study concluded that more than 50 percent of retinal detachments not related to trauma are associated with myopia. Other myopia risks include glaucoma, cataracts and myopic maculopathy (macular degeneration).

Myopia Can Be Managed

The dangers of myopia, in conjunction with the normal challenges of poor vision, mean it is important for parents of myopic children to manage the condition as part of your child’s eye health.

The goal of myopia management is to slow or even stop the progression of myopia and reduce its impact on your child’s life. The earlier myopia management begins, the more effective the treatment. We have expanded our children’s myopia management service in partnership with Treehouse Eyes®, the country’s leading myopia management service. This revolutionary system, designed to treat your child’s myopia and significantly reduce the threat of more serious eye diseases, is one of the most important innovations since glasses were first prescribed hundreds of years ago.

How It Works?

Prescription glasses or traditional contacts lenses only correct the symptoms of myopia. As Treehouse Eyes doctors, we use state-of-the-art equipment to develop a personalized treatment plan for your child. A thorough case history is conducted to determine patient and family history, refractive status and prior changes in power are noted, visual acuity is recorded, axial length is measured, and corneal topographies are collected. With this information, the doctors can make a confident decision on treatment modalities to minimize the myopic progression and maximize long-term visual outcomes.

Our non-invasive treatments include customized contact lenses and special prescription eye drops.

KIDS OrthoKeratology (OrthoK) lenses

Orthokeratology is an amazing technology that uses gas permeable lenses to gently reshape the cornea. KIDS OrthoK lenses are custom designed and are worn only at night during sleep. Removing lenses in the morning allows for potentially clear 20/20 vision and eliminates the need for any daytime glasses or contacts. The lenses are worn every night to maintain the newly molded shape of the cornea and initial improvement in vision occurs in as little as one to two nights. This method of myopia management has shown excellent control of myopia progression.

Specialty Soft Multifocal contact lenses

Specialty Soft multifocal contact lenses are normally worn during the day and have also been shown to slow down the progression of myopia. Soft multifocal lenses are generally replaced with a new lens every day; however, there are custom designed lenses for a more complicated situation which are replaced less frequently. For best results, these lenses should be worn for a minimum of 10 hours per day, six days per week.

Pharmacologic interventions

Within the last several years, compounded Atropine eye drops have gained popularity in controlling myopia. Atropine eye drops in high concentrations have been used for decades to treat amblyopia or “lazy eye”. However, research has also demonstrated that in lower concentrations Atropine can be very effective in controlling myopia progression. This treatment intervention is great for children who have a low prescription, or they are not a good candidate for the contact lens modality for myopia management.

Combination therapy

Should we determine through careful follow up of your child’s myopia management treatment that the current treatment modality does not produce optimal myopia control, we will discuss a combination therapy approach. Combo therapy may mean adding drops to the contact lens treatment modality or vice versa and is often only needed for a short period of time. Careful assessment of the child’s visual acuity, their glasses prescription as well as their axial length (eye size front to back) will determine the most appropriate and efficacious treatment regimen.

Outcomes of Myopia Management

Outcomes of Myopia Management

Given the proven treatment options for slowing down myopic progression, our doctors are committed to preventing vision-threatening diseases and preserving vision.

Reduced Risks of Eye Disease

By carefully managing the growth of the eye and change in prescription, we can significantly reduce the risks of sight threatening diseases. Our methods for myopia management are highly effective and, in some cases, can completely stop the progression of myopia.

Preserving Precious Eyesight

By carefully treating myopia and slowing its’ progression, we are effectively reducing the risks of sight threatening diseases, therefore preserving children’s vision. A one diopter decrease in myopia decreases the likelihood of developing myopic maculopathy, or loss of vision, by 40%.

Improved Self Confidence

Myopia treatment using KIDS OrthoK lenses is especially favored by children who dislike wearing glasses or are active in sports. Imagine a swimmer, gymnast or baseball player no longer needing to deal with glasses as KIDS OrthoK lenses eliminate the need for any daytime correction. We see so many children gain confidence as they are no longer “handicapped” by the inability to see clearly.

Better Outcomes for LASIK

Should your child decide to undergo refractive surgery such as LASIK when their myopia has already stabilized (usually around age 18), their chance for a successful outcome is much greater if their final myopic prescription is lower.

Data from children using our patent-pending Treehouse Vision System® treatment plan shows a 78% decrease in the progression of their myopia vs. no treatment. To get started, the first step is to schedule a complementary myopia consultation with one of our doctors by contacting us at 630-323-7300. During the initial consultation, our doctor will evaluate your child’s vision and recommend a customized treatment plan to slow or even stop myopia from progressing.

Dr. Spokas Announces Expanded Myopia Treatment Options

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Watch stories from parents and children just like yours who share their experience with Myopia treatment.

Schedule Today

Schedule a complimentary myopia consultation online or call us at (630) 323-7300.

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